Slobodan usti (64) was born in Jelenom, Slovenia, at the age of 23. He is a professional wrestler and trainer for the local and national teams, including Vasilija Vida, Tanasija, Zariju, and Ozrena, as well as Nikolu and Ljubomira.

Jelena is one of three dreams, Zarija is born at home, and one experience is one that has been described.

“I was planning a home birth with Vasilije, but I didn’t have the courage,” said Vasilije. To put it simply, Now she did me wrong. When I saw Zarijo, I didn’t see the point in it. Little Tanasije has escaped, and Old Vasilije is convinced that the great man has been seen. Babica Divna is primarily known for its childbirth, but it is also known for its calmness. Since there is a bud present in the pulse, my husband is a strong one. everything went well and she gave birth to them, the baby was on my breast and after four minutes she started sucking. she gave birth to them. Midwife is a baby and useful because it is red. She didn’t examine me, and I didn’t have any wound, so there was no need. But it’s not necessary. Two hours later I was washing the dishes. The Kominica that we have in mind has arrived, and we can’t wait to see how this plays out. “I gave birth and life continued immediately,” and the actor’s wife at one time, and a transmitted “Hello,” are the two phrases.

Jelena also talked about love in marriage, and admitted that she was not jealous of other women, but that Slobodan had more freedom than her. Jelena also spoke about love in marriage.

“Sometimes I wished that I too could take a break from children and go out without feeling guilty, but there was no way to do that. Occasionally there was a bit of envy. It was never related to women, but jealousy of some, like, male freedom. True love has never really lived with us,” Slobodan’s wife was honest, and the actor, who is proud of his better half, agrees with her.

“In addition to being beautiful and handsome, Jelena is first and foremost smart,” reads the message. To put it simply, there is one who was. He knows how to choose wisely (laughs).”, He said is used for “Story.”

Compared to the other two decades in our couple, this one was not prepared.

“Prejudice always exists, people don’t need a particular reason,” the author stated. The topic is Difference in God’s name, but it isn’t mentioned anywhere else, and it isn’t even a topic at all.

Human life is a year, but it is also a koliko and an ulicom in one’s own life. A man is loved, and not to broach. The two of us are not gods. Those who are old, talk about themselves and their fears and limitations. Those who are older According to Jelena usti, “Slobodanu and his name says that he is – free, and I am a person without prejudices, liberated and unencumbered by imposed ‘norms’ and ‘rules’.”

Slobodan once revealed that he did not court his wife in a special way, but that he was very direct when meeting him and sure that she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

“This is not a bad thing. In the same way that I accept and say I would be short, I believe that I have remained unchanged. But aside from that, I really don’t have it in me, and Ljubomir knew how to say how stupid I am for women: The son from the first marriage “Hey, look at you, her eyes are falling out and you’re talking about the weather” (laughs),” said the first actor.

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