A real drama occurred last night in Belgrade on line 611 when an elderly man boarded the bus and a young girl refused to give him a seat, despite the fact that the first seats are reserved for disabled people, pregnant women, and older adults.

The recording was posted to the Facebook page “Serbia live Beograd reserva” after a bitter argument.

Approximately ten minutes ago, on bus 601, a “lady” wearing a black jacket refused to confront an 89-year-old man who uses a cane. The blonde woman’s threat to the man, “Get out old man, I won’t stand up for you, don’t arrest you,” brought the blonde woman’s attention to her actions, and the girl began filming her, creeping on her, and threatening the police. The lady called the police and afterward began shooting, whereupon that individual began shouting at the entire transport that we reserved no option to film her and that we would all get criminal accusations since we were “pestering” her. The announcement reads, “A very strong fish came out near the Sava center,” and neither the driver nor the police did anything.

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